Friday, December 26, 2008

Victims of Zion

This page is dedicated to the hundreds of people who have put their lives, reputation and freedom on the line to bring truth to the world.

Dr. Fredrick Toben - latest victim!

Though German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Toben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then broadened out to establish Australia's revisionist website, Adelaide Institute. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. He conducted regular dialogue with Exterminationists, and did not expect to be arrested when he visited Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story.

Nevertheless, he was arrested by Klein and police chief Mohr in Mannheim, Germany, in April, 1999, and was awaiting trial for being a "holocaust denier" for seven months. He then was tried and sentenced to ten months imprisonment, but released from prison while awaiting his appeal. He left Germany and did not return for his appeal trial.

Read the full article on

Original source:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

John de Nugent for President

My website and campaign are about to explode into the public with radio ads at this critical moment in the presidential campaign.

Here is the political program, written for the white masses who are not yet White Nationists.

I have made major revisions to it since the ECONOMY, not race, became the foremost issue in everybody's mind. I am convinced that my plan is the ONLY one that will prevent a total world crash and starvation.

You will notice my outreach to blacks, appealing to their self-interest. We don't need a race war with blacks triggered by the Jews who are stage-managing Obama and may yet murder him to start a race war. We need to cut a deal with the black nationalists for BLACK SELF-RULE and WHITE SELF-RULE, and cooperate against the Asian invasion (of Jews, Chinese, and mestizo Mexicans of Asiatic blood who are taking ALL the blacks' traditional unskilled jobs in construction, factory work, agriculture, janitor services, gardening, domestic help, etc).

Blacks need, not an Obama "integrationist," but a second Marcus Garvey for either "Back-to-Africa" or "Black self-rule" in the USA. (Many would categorically REFUSE to go back to the Dark Continent.) And my goal is to be the WHITE Marcus Garvey, and demand our own white self-rule in WHITE SAFETY ZONES in America.

I am about to run radio ads around the country MONDAY AND TUESDAY -- to prevent martial law by Bush that would ROUND YOU AND ME UP.

Then, I plan a serious run as a candidate on the presidential ballot for president in 2012, based on a grass-roots political organization and an identifiable WHITE TRIBE, the "whites who stick together and are-not-DOOMED."

So go to my website and check out all that is new, powerful, controversial, unique and hard-hitting -- and will grab the headlines. My Obama ads are already running on BLACK STATIONS.

Find the rest of this article by John de Nugent and his political programm here or visit his website.

Jana Shearer, The Defilement and Death of a White Girl

We would like to salute the many patriots who have turned Dr. Duke’s excellent radio broadcasts into videos over the past few years. Below is a particularly well made video from Honest Media Today, it features Dr. Duke discussing the ramifications of interracial relationships as well as exposing the alien media’s relentless campaign to glamorize these relationships and their failure to report on the often tragic consequences. In this 46 minute video the hair raising story of Jana Shearer is highlighted, a naive young white woman who was brutally murdered and then eaten by her black boyfriend — admin:
Watch it via this link
You can find David Duke's great article about Jana Shearer plus the video here or here

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Tremble for America!

A Speech by David Duke a few months before 9/11

“Why must we die in the Mideast and elsewhere? Why are Americans being kidnapped, tortured, murdered throughout the world? How long will it be until terrorism comes to our own shores with a vengeance?” …

“Americans will go to endless wars. We will die or be maimed by the thousands. Our economy will be bankrupted; the rest of our freedoms will be taken away in the name of security. America under this nefarious control will behave like third world regimes and kidnap and torture suspects. America will adopt all the brutality that we always despised in the Communists, because the Neocons, actually are at root, Trotskyites not Conservatives. Strange as that might sound, its true.”…

“In the Lavon Affair the Israeli government was caught red-handed in launching terror bombing attacks against American facilities in Egypt. Yet, due to the naked supremacy of Jewish extremists over the American media, most Americans don’t even know Israel has admittedly committed terrorism against us. Is the fact we don’t know not proof of their control over us?”
The following is a speech given by Representative David Duke at a local Rotary Club at the end of his term as the elected Chairman of the Republican Party. It was a few weeks after the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and a few months prior to 9/11. It was shortly before his departure to Europe to teach and work on his PhD. The Rotarians expected a light, toastmasters speech, but they heard something quite different. There was polite applause at the end, but a somber mood because the audience sensed the truth of the speech, and the danger that America faced. One of those present recently sent an email to with the scanned the text of the speech that Duke gave out afterward. He said he kept it during these years and wrote that no speech he ever heard had more impact on him. “Every time I watch the evening news,” he wrote, “I think back at this short speech and realize that we are living it today.” Everything David Duke predicted has come to pass: a major terrorist attack on American shores, new American wars for Israel in the Mideast, new laws restricting American freedom and the bankrupting of America in part from these conflicts. Here is the text of this prophetic and powerful speech. As you read it you will immediately understand why David Duke is so evilly slandered and misrepresented in the press, he speaks with a courage and intellect unequaled by any political figure in modern America.
I Tremble for America!
Mr. Chairman, fellow members of the Rotary. Usually, these meetings are focused on local issues, light issues. My talk today is not. It is focused on a national, indeed an international issue that reaches right down into the heart of our community. It will powerfully affect you and your children.It is not a happy subject and I hope my words don’t interfere with your digestion of our good Louisiana strawberry pie desert. But, as you know, I represented this area, and most of you here voted for me, and the rest should have!But it’s too late; Governor Edwards has already sold the whole damn state!And I have never been one to shrink from controversy. I just finished my term as a Republican Chairman in St. Tammany, and I plan to pursue some academic goals in the near future, so I don’t need to be at all politically correct.And I don’t think you really want me to be! So here goes.I tremble for my country.
Just a few weeks ago, an American US Navy Ship was attacked in Yemeni. Seventeen of our sailors died. I have great anger against the perpetrators of this surprise, dastardly attack and pray they will be brought to justice swiftly.
But, I also must ask the question,” Why?”
Why are Americans becoming so hated?
Why must we die in the Mideast and elsewhere? Why are Americans being kidnapped, tortured, murdered throughout the world? How long will it be until terrorism comes to our own shores with a vengeance?
I will say things today that will shock you. It will take time for you to absorb such amazing information. At first you may not believe it, but the proof is plain to see, beyond even a shadow of doubt.
Okay, I will say it.
Israel and its power over American policy are why we face the terrorist threat against us. Although most Americans have no consciousness of it, Israel has committed terrorist acts against the United States as well as many nations.
And just as Israel has attacked us, it has caused us to be attacked by others.
You don’t believe our quote “ally” Israel has committed terrorism against us?
In the Lavon Affair the Israeli government was caught red-handed in launching terror bombing attacks against American facilities in Egypt. Yet, due to the naked supremacy of Jewish extremists over the American media, most Americans don’t even know Israel has admittedly committed terrorism against us. Is the fact we don’t know not proof of their control over us?
How did our bribed and extorted politicians pay back Israel for their terrorism against America? Certainly not with embargoes and air strikes as we did against Libya. We paid them for their treachery with more gifts of billions of our tax dollars and more weapons with which Israel could strike us again!
And Israel did strike us! Murderously! Ultimately, Israel took our own weapons and attacked us again. With American made guns, bombs and torpedo boats they killed and maimed our sons by the score in the attack against the USS Liberty.
In the murderous, surprise attack on an American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, 34 Americans died, and 174 suffered terrible burns and disfigurement from our own American-made napalm bombs. No less than the Secretary of the State of the United States, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of our Joints Chiefs of Staff have repeatedly stated that the Israeli attack was clearly deliberate.
Yet, the Israeli fifth-columnists were even able to prevent a congressional investigation into the attack and they kept the US money and weapons flowing to this nation that attacked us! The controlled media made sure there was no outrage against this murderous terrorism against our boys on the USS Liberty.
Israeli Spy, Jonathan Pollard, stole vital secrets of American intelligence which Israel then bartered to the Soviets, causing the death of many of our operatives In Eastern Europe and devastating our intelligence operations there. It was even too much for our Jewish Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, who sent a 46 page memorandum to the courts on the damage done by Pollard and Israel against us and demanding nothing less than life sentence for this American traitorous spy for Israel.
Not only has the thoroughly Israeli bribed U.S. Congress, with compliance from a Jewish-dominated media, facilitated this Israeli terror against us, they have supported Israeli terror against the entire Mideast region.
Israel has murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians, occupied and stolen their land, kidnapped and tortured tens of thousands of people in their dungeons, invaded and occupied and terrorized Lebanon for 20 years killing over 20,000 civilians maiming 40,000 children and destroying 120,000 family homes in the process.
The man who leads their nation, Ariel Sharon is a mass murderer that even an Israeli commission found guilty of causing the deaths of 1200 mostly women and children at Sabre and Chatila in Beirut.
These victims of Israeli terrorism know that Israeli terrorism against them would not be possible except for the support of the U.S. Government.
They know that 7 of the 11 members of the highest security body of America, The National Security Council, are what the Israeli newspaper Maariv describes as “warm Jews” (Jews that put Israel above all else). These are the very men supposed to be in charge of providing American security, but a leading Israeli newspaper describes America as “no longer having a government of goyim.” In other words, America no longer has a government truly led by gentile Christians, like 90 percent of our population, but one of Jews!
The Arabs know what Maariv said about your government no longer being gentile but Jewish, but do you?
The Israeli fifth columnists led America to make an enemy of our ally, Saddam Hussein, because he led one of the most powerful nations in opposition to Israel. They led us to an embargo of even food and medicine to Iraq that led directly to the death of one million Iraqis, at least half of them children. It was an act of infanticide. When Diane Sawyer spoke about the deaths of 500,000 children from our embargo, she asked our Jewish U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was the deaths of so many children worth it. On the Sixty-Minutes TV program before the world, our Secretary of State said, “Yes, we think it’s worth it.”
What kind of monster would knowingly cause the agonizing death of 500,000 children?
Don’t they realize that these Jewish extremist acts of mass murder in the name of America can only someday lead to deaths of our own American children?
They led us to the Gulf War which has cost untold billions and caused tens of thousands of American GIs to suffer debilitating health problems with the “Gulf War Syndrome.”
All of this has created incalculable hatred against America. There are millions of the directly affected by these policies and millions more all over the world that don’t suffer from a media controlled by the Zionists. They hate us more and more each day.
Take good, sober look. Terrorism is increasing all around us. Arab terrorists have already been bold enough to attack an American warship in Yemeni and killed many American sailors. They have kidnapped and killed American civilians.
Their hate, born of American subservience for Israel grows with each passing day. They will strike back anyway they think they can! They will kill civilians as they think they have been killed.
The day will come when thousands of Americans will find themselves and their families become victims of this hate, a burning hate that we have let the Jewish extremists engender against us.
With each strike and counter strike, we will fall deeper and deeper into the death cycle of world war. It will not be a war of great armies on the field, but of guerrilla actions and terrorism.
And the extremists who control Israel and the Jewish community will smile while we and many nations will cry for our sons and daughters.
The Lavon Affair was uncovered and prevented seemingly by an act of God. A premature explosion of a Jewish terrorist’s bomb unraveled the plot and saved American lives. Ultimately the exposure of the plot prevented the even greater catastrophe of an unjust war with Egypt that would have caused incalculable harm both to the American people and the thousands of innocent people who would have faced a misguided American wrath.
The Lavon Affair was quashed, but Israel remains a malevolent force for evil in the world. There will be more Israeli treachery, you can be sure.
As long as the Jewish extremists have such inordinate influence in media and government you can be sure Israel will lead us into more wars. Syria, Iran and even Iraq again are now in the cross hairs of the Jewish extremists. More American boys, as in the Marine compound in Beirut, will die for Israel. But, even scarier, terrorism will surely come to American civilians at home and abroad. Our Israeli-controlled policies make it inevitable.
Israel will have its new and bigger Lavon Affair.
Next time Israeli agents won’t have to dress up like Arabs, for they have engendered enough hatred among the Muslim people against America to generate sizable terrorist attacks upon Americans by real Muslims.
When these events happen, Israel will smile.
Americans will go to endless wars. We will die or be maimed by the thousands. Our economy will be bankrupted; the rest of our freedoms will be taken away in the name of security. America under this nefarious control will behave like third world regimes and kidnap and torture suspects. America will adopt all the brutality that we always despised in the Communists, because the Neocons, actually are at root, Trotskyites not Conservatives. Strange as that might sound, its true.
And, it will all be in the name of freedom!
All of it will occur not for America — but for Israel.
In these wars fought against Israel’s enemies, we will fuel a cycle of hate and conflict against America that will create the Jewish Neocons’ wet dream, “World War IV.” But we will be the one’s who will pay for their blood lust.
What price will we ultimately have to pay for Israel?
What terrorism haunts us down the road.
And as it increases, they will say our freedom must be sacrificed for our security.
And as our freedoms are taken away, they will tell us we must give up our freedom to save it!
As we kill hundreds of thousands they will say it is to save lives.
As Americans are killed and maimed by the tens of thousands they will say it is keep Americans from harm.
As war and hatred envelopes civilization, they will say we must wage war because we love peace!
But all of it won’t be for anything other than Israel, and the Jewish supremacism and extremism that drive it.
Are you ready to pay the ultimate price? Ready for your loved ones to pay that price?
I tremble for America.
I tremble for America.
Thank You.

David DukeOutgoing Chairman of the Republican Party Political Executive Committeeand former member of the House of RepresentativesState of Louisiana

Is Russia the Key to White survival?

Is Russia the Key to White Survival?
By David Duke

EURO National President

David Duke speaks at the Mykovsky Museum

Everyone reading the David Duke Report understands the crisis faced by the White World. All White nations have a severe non-White immigration crisis. Every White nation has a critically low birthrate that will result in a greatly diminished White population. In America, even the U.S. Government has officially projected that those of European descent will become a minority in four or five decades. We will be outnumbered and outvoted in the nation our forefathers built!

When that happens our people will be politically prostrate at the feet of those who have envied and hated us for generations, and the result will be similar to the wide scale murder and dispossession White farmers now face in Zimbabwe. If the dispossession of our people would occur only in our beloved America, at least our genetic and cultural heritage would survive elsewhere, but every White nation on earth is undergoing a racial transformation similar to America’s.

Even a nation such as Italy, traditionally famous for its large families, now has a catastrophically low birthrate that projects a reduction of its White population by 40 to 50 percent over the next 50 years. Every White nation is saturated with equalitarian propaganda spawned by a Jewish-dominated news and entertainment media around the world. Not only are White numbers dwindling, but racial intermarriage has risen dramatically among the remaining Whites. Also, within our race itself, as is true among the non-White minorities, the brightest and most successful have the fewest children, while the least intelligent and responsible have the highest reproductive rates. So even those Whites left are being dumbed-down.

Our race faces a world-wide genetic catastrophe. There is only one word that can adequately describe it: genocide. It is a relentless and systematic destruction of the European genotype. It is not the genocide of fire and sword (although such is likely to occur in the final stages). Neither is it as emotionally evocative as the death of displacement of millions of Germans in Eastern Europe with the onslaught of the Soviet armies in the winter of 1945; Stalin’s starvation of the Ukrainians through forced collectivization; the displacement and death of many Jews in Second World War; or the 1838 westward relocation of 15,000 members of the Cherokee nation in the “Trail of Tears.” Yet, though it lost millions, the German people survived the war, the Ukranians survived Stalin’s murders, the Cherokee people persevered, and the Jews, despite their losses in the Second World War, emerged from it more powerful than ever before in their long history.

Unchecked, low White birthrates, massive non-White immigration and intermarriage will mean the complete genetic destruction of the great European race that produced an overwhelming share of the world’s great art and literature, scientific and economic advancement. Make no mistake about it: unless our people wake up and act courageously, our very genotype; our people as a unique, living breed of life upon this planet - will be wiped out! Such would be the greatest ecologic and evolutionary disaster ever to befall our planet!

Years ago, when I came to this realization, it changed my life. Every other personal interest and issue shrank to insignificance. Compared to the loss of our heritage and our very people itself, nothing else truly matters. Anyone who truly understands this, must shoulder the immense responsibility associated with this impending catastrophe. All the sacrifices, all the suffering, all the genius, all the beauty and high culture our people have created-will go tumbling into a biological abyss - unless we preserve our genotype.

David Duke and revisionist Juergen Graf

What role does Russia and the former Eastern Bloc countries play in this scheme of things? Russia is a White nation! Of the many capital cities of Europe, it is accurate to say that Moscow is the Whitest of them all. Although there is the presence of some ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation, Russia has a greater sense of racial understanding among its population than does any other predominantly White nation. There is a common awareness among the people of the Bolshevik-Jewish invasion of 1917, commonly referred to in the United States as the “Russian Revolution,” a term as inaccurate as calling the crime syndicate started in Russia and now spreading around the world: the “Russian Mafia.” The so-called “Russian Mafia” is neither Russian nor a Mafia, it is overwhelmingly Jewish, and it is now the most dangerous and powerful organized crime syndicate in the world. The Russian people also have a much greater knowledge of the power of International Zionism and the dominant Jewish role in orchestrating the immigration and multiculturalism that is undermining the West.

For the past few months, I have been researching and finishing my new book, Jewish Supremacism, An Examination of the Jewish Question, in Russia and elsewhere in Europe. I have also been working on a book I will complete later this year called For Love of My People, a book that expresses the spiritual commitment necessary for European mankind to win the coming struggle for our survival and evolutionary advancement.

I believe that Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe are critically important to the coming struggle. At this time, there is no national government that openly stands up for the interests of our people. Russia, now that it is freed from 70 years of Bolshevik murder and repression, may become that nation. In Russia, over the past few weeks, I have met with the leaders of the White patriotic movements there. I have met with members of the Russian Duma (Congress) and many public officials who openly speak about Zionism and the need for White people around the world to defend our heritage. In my opinion, Russia and other Eastern countries have the greatest chance of having racially aware parties achieve political power. If just one nation would break through for our people, I think it would cause a domino effect that would cascade throughout the whole world.

Russia has an economy that has been plundered by the Jewish oligarchs and organized crime figures such as Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Tobias, and Mogilevich. Three years ago, their currency was destroyed in a scheme hatched by Berezovsky and his partners in crime, Goldman-Sachs, Inc. in the United States. Russia has a revolutionary climate where a patriotic party can rise. Although there are many reservations about President Putin, he is perhaps the only leader in the Western World to take any measures against the Jewish-Supremacist media bosses. Gusinsky, head of the largest private TV network in Russia and also a leader in the World Jewish Congress, was actually arrested and jailed a few weeks ago. He was subsequently released after agreeing to relinquish his illegally acquired TV network. Such an event illustrates the very different political climate in Russia in comparison to the United States.

Many Russians have urged me to get my new book on Jewish supremacism into the hands of the Russian people. I have devoted time and money to having my book translated and printed in Russian. I think Russia is so important to the world-wide efforts for our people that the new book will actually have its first printing in Russia a few weeks before the English edition will appear.

In addition to writing and researching, I have traveled throughout Russia and other Eastern European nations, and have met with hundreds of leaders who have become committed to saving our race. All across the Western world, I see our racial consciousness growing, our movements increasing, our spirit rising. Everywhere, our people are putting aside petty differences and nationality divisions and understand that now we must have White Pride Worldwide and White Unity. I am doing my best to carry this spirit wherever I travel, and I can tell you that this spirit is contagious! Never have I been so encouraged.

David Duke with Jean Marie Le Pen

The leaders I have met have included, National Front leaders Jean Marie Le Pen and Bruno Gollnish at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Ahmed Rami, one of the leading anti-Zionist publishers in the world, Juergen Graf, the educator who has faced persecution in Switzerland for daring to historically challenge some aspects of the Holocaust story, and many other Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Swedish, French, Italian, German, Austrian, Danish, Spanish, and British researchers and leaders who are part of the growing worldwide movement for truth, freedom and heritage.

Shortly before I left Russia, I spoke at the Mykovsky Museum, which is situated directly across the street from the infamous Lubyanka Prison and KGB headquarters in Moscow. The packed audience of 400 White Russian patriots cheered my speech from start to finish. It looked like a campaign stop in my political races in Louisiana; yet I was 5,000 miles away. A sense of European brotherhood permeated the room and it inspired me, as I know they were inspired by my words and passion. How ironic and how fateful, that only a few meters from the most infamous site of bloody violence against Russian Christians by the Bolsheviks, one could now openly talk about the murder and torture that occurred there, and reveal the identity of those responsible.

When I spoke, the emotion of the moment burned the words into my memory.

I need not tell you that those who control the governments and mass media of the world are of the same heritage as those who slit the throats of so many of your fathers and grandfathers in the blood-drenched prison of infamy only a few steps from this hall.

They no longer wear the same uniforms and some of their methods have changed, but make no mistake: their dark purpose is the same. They not only seek the destruction of the great Russian people but of every White nationality the world over. We have here tonight, Americans and Russians, Ukranians and Estonians. Our nations have had their conflicts in the past, but although we are proud of our respective nationalities and want to preserve every cultural nuance and manifestation of our people, we all know that no White nationality can survive unless every White nationality survives.

We cannot win this struggle unless we stand indivisible against an implacable enemy whose hatred for us has grown and deepened for two millennia.

We fight not for revenge, but for our freedom. We fight not to destroy any people, but for the sacred task of our own survival.

In this holy cause we must share one immutable principle: all people of European descent, no matter where they reside in the world, are brothers. As brothers we shall fight, as brothers we shall spread our truth, as brothers we shall win!

Russia has always been a bulwark to the East, the frontier of our race, and it is now on the frontline of our current struggle. It is my prayer that Mother Russia be strong and healthy, may Mother Russia be free; may she always be White.

When a racially aware Russia and reawakened America become united in our cause, the world will change. Our race will survive and together we shall go to the stars!

I left Russia three weeks ago, yet my ears still ring with their cheers; I can still feel their strong handshakes, and my heart continues to resonate with the reawakening spirit of our race worldwide.


The White South African Tragedy


by Deirdre Fields

When you see this...

And this...

you should fear mightily, because that is very much like this...

And this...

South Africa 1985

And it is only a matter of a short while before you start seeing pictures like this...

Zimbabwe: Farmer murdered on his property after handover to Black majority rule.

Or this...

South Africa: Farmer murdered and tortured in his fields. Note how he was burned. This was post 1994 when S.A. was handed over to Black majority rule.

Or this...

South Africa: Shot point-blank as he slept in his bed.
Don’t believe it? This happened in South Africa for the same reasons as it is happening here:
We allowed Blacks into our country to work. We tried to control the influx with work permits - remember the “Pass Laws,” so vilified in your controlled American Press? Well, they were just work permits – Green Cards. [It’s not true that we took the land from the Blacks, but that’s a subject for another article]. Nevertheless, the Blacks kept coming in, illegally, now they rule the land and the Whites are at their mercy.
We actually tried to suck the Blacks out of our mainland by giving them homelands – this was the policy of Grand Apartheid-- but the controlled international media, the UN, the Kissinger-Schultz-and-Cohen dominated American State Departments, and the British governments would have none of this type of self-preservation on the part of the Whites. The end result is that the Whites had to hand over government to the majority of the population which by then was overwhelmingly Black, and the fate of the minority Whites is amply illustrated by the pictures above.
Principle #1: The majority population in a territory will ultimately determine the nature of that society, regardless of who was there first.

Mandela destroys his Pass book.
Therefore, unless you American whites wish to suffer the same fate, you need to demand that your US borders be closed, that your soldiers be brought back home and put on your border.
The only legitimate function of government is to protect the borders of its country. “They’re breaking the law because they’re coming in illegally” be damned;
It doesn’t matter if they come in legally or illegally: it’s a matter of demographics. Unless you repel this conquest through immigration, you will become extinct in your own country. Your skin is your uniform.
Look at the demographics pictured below:

18 Years and older - U.S. Census 2000...

There are protests that Hispanics contribute to the economy and that they do jobs the Whites will not do.
Tony Dolz, a candidate for the California State Assembly, said it very well and accurately: "3% of Illegal Aliens do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor; the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need. The most recent Pew Hispanic Center’s study indicates that 97% of 12 to 20 million illegal aliens are working in construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant, administrative and service jobs. Are these jobs Americans won’t do? “
In South Africa, our leaders perceived that the sector of the Whites who would be most affected by non-White labor would be the working class. Therefore, a type of Affirmative Action was implemented to reserve a certain amount of blue-collar jobs for Whites. This was called “Job Reservation” and attracted terrible criticism from the international Media and especially the American & British Governments.
In America today, White students and poor Whites have great difficulty obtaining jobs. Even on farms, Whites report how they were laid off in favor of Mexicans.
But in America it is not only the lower-paid jobs that are being taken by either illegal Aliens, naturalized Hispanics or outsourcing to non-white countries: Anyone who calls up AOL or other internet company will be greeted by a friendly voice from Bombay or other Indian location, because America’s computer jobs are being outsourced to India. Now Americans, who have just obtained computer degrees, are left with huge student loans to repay, and no jobs.
It does not matter whether all these non-Whites are in the country illegally or legally. The point is that they are competing with Whites for living space, and jobs. If Europe had invited Attila the Hun and his hordes to rather just come and live amongst them, there would be no Whites in Europe today. (As it is, currently Europe is being pressed by non-White immigration, but it would have been all over centuries ago had they adopted the same policy with Attila.) Time Magazine frequently crows about the new, mongrel face of the American in 2050, and we are all supposed to be so gleeful at the demise of our race and kind, and the inevitable demise of our culture and the civilization we brought the world. Will we walk quietly into the night of extinction and oblivion? Wake up White America! You had better identify as White people, become a volk, and fight now, or it will soon be too late.

Extinction Creeps up on Whites Worldwide
Through invasion, rape, miscegenation and ethnic cleansing
Displaced and replaced, even in our quintessentially
White hereditary territories, our genepools polluted by these non-white invasive species.

Finnland: Finns are commanded to “Accept a new perspective” in this billboard.

Miss Switzerland, Nancy Kabika has Indian, Haitian, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish, Balkan, Austrian and American roots. Attractive, yes, but this is a something completely different -- no blond, blue-eyed Nordic Swiss!

In 1993 Time Magazine crowed that in 2050, Whites would be in the minority in the USA: this inaccurate computer composite of the races presently in the USA, would be “the New Face of America.” Just recently, Sept 2008, CNN announced that that date has been brought forward 8 years to 2042. However, according to Prof. Virginia Abernathy, who was involved in the census, the numbers of Hispanic immigrants is under-reported by some 40 million. Thus we can expect that date to be even earlier. Not only is the demise of the Whites unlamented, but the response is that there is thus a need to train more non-whites for roles in middle management.

South Africa - Survivor of brutal ethnic-cleansing: Beautiful, innocent White child raped and battered. She suffered dislocated bones and internal injuries. Who is defending our children and ensuring that they have a safe habitat to grow up in - anywhere?
Everywhere Whites are on the retreat, so that worldwide, we are an...

The Media tells you, that your non-white invaders are “just decent people trying to make a living. They pick our cabbages, take care of our elderly, and they take care of our children.”
The Blacks in South Africa did the same, now look at what their children are doing to our children;

This White baby was wrapped in a newspaper and set alight.What kind of monster does this? But this is not a “Hate Crime”, only Whites can be guilty of “Hate crimes”, right?

Hanged Schoolboy. They broke into the house, killed the mother, waited for the children to return from home, killed them, then waited for the father to return, and killed him too. Nothing was stolen. This is typical of the killings that have been going on in South Africa.
But we white South Africans deserved it right? We had Apartheid, and you don’t so this sort of thing won’t happen in America? Look at what Mexican leaders are saying already:
"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." - Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party (note they don’t mind being openly racist: La Raza = the race)
"If anyone's going to be deported, it's going to be you! ... Get out! We are the future. You're old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we're already controlling those elections, whether it's by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we're going to take over." - Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan (equivalent of the military arm of the ANC, Umkohnto we Siezwe) shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.

South Africa, 1985...

USA, 2006.
Whether Democrat or Republican, your government is your enemy: it has presided over the browning of America.
South Africa’s last governments were traitors too: They handed us and our land over to a communist, Black government, though we had never been defeated: there were also no guarantees or safeguards for the Whites, and now you see the results. Other of your enemies are: the Media, the big corporations, David Rockefeller, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, George Soros, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)*, American Jewish Congress*, et al.
The same entities were also our enemies, being prime funders of the ANC. Your government will not protect you from this invasion and the coming extinction you race. Beware, do not put your faith in your Government, it is controlled by the enemies of your race, and by race traitors, who sell you out for financial gain and personal ambition.
As William Raspberry (black columnist) once said: "It is hard to think of whites-only groups formed for the benefit of their members that could gain our approval. Perhaps an organization of white LA police officers formed to help its members improve their attitudes towards minorities . . . . It's always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men." [William Raspberry, "Dubiously Exclusive," Washington Post, Nov. 24, 1995.] (added 2/05/03)
Every day experience tells you that this is absolutely true.
Wake up White America, you are in dire straits! We’ve seen it all before in South Africa. We had a traitor, sell-out Government too. You are targeted for annihilation. Don’t believe it? … just look at what our South African government did to us. Yours is of the exact same ilk, and has been for decades.
Republican or Democrat, they are all tools of the anti-White New World Orde:, none have stemmed the non-white tide, and they have been achieving the demise of White America. The longer you wait, the more desperate the odds become.

F.W. de Klerk, last White President of SA – handed over the country to a communist, Black Government De Klerk is now wined and dined by the likes of the Trilateral Commission

George Bush, who granted amnesty to thousands of illegal Mexicans -- America’s F.W. de Klerk, or perhaps he equates to our previous sell-out, P.W. Botha

Barak Obama the new Nelson Mandela, or perhaps with his long association with the militant Black nationalist, Rev. Wright, he may equate to the upcoming SA president, Jacob Zuma.
F.W. de Klerk handed over the country to communist Blacks -- and without any guarantees of safety for the country’s Whites. For this he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Is this what peace looks like?

South Africa: Beautiful, young white woman butchered.

South Africa: White man, attacked in his house as he slept, and Murdered in his own bathtub. Note how they slashed his wrists as he tried to protect himself.

South Africa: Forensic diagram of torture methods used in the thousands of Farm Murders and very frequently in urban murders that together constitute the current ethnic-cleansing being conducted in South Africa.
Now in October 2008, with an economic crash in progress, which seems likely to make the Great Depression look like a picnic, expect race riots to break out. You read what La Raza Unida and the Brown Berets say about Whites; Do you feel safe where you live?
The only solution is for Whites to form White safety zones, where we can live and work in safety. We need our own habitats, free from the presence of invasive species and interspecific competition.
As soon as the threat is perceived, vigilant scientists and authorities work to control the numbers and ‘immigration’ of invasive plant, insect and animal species when they interfere with the habitat or peaceful existence of native species. Some examples are 1) Bighead and silver carp (Asian) , which compete with native mussels and fish for plankton, and could become a dominant species in the Great Lakes; 2) the brown tree snake (Indonesian) which has invaded Guam and through its voracious appetite, exterminated nine out of twelve native bird species, and two out of eleven native lizards; while burgeoning populations of 3) European mute swans eliminate habitats for crabs, fish and other wetland dependent species through their over-grazing of bay grasses: They also trample the nests of the endangered least terns and black skimmers, destroying their eggs and chicks, thus driving the native species from their nesting site on Barren Island, Maryland.
These beautiful but invasive mute swans kill mallard ducklings and Canada goose goslings. The interspecific competition between mute and tundra swans, has driven Maryland's wintering tundra swan population from their native habitats. Authorities also then work to preserve the habitat of endangered species and to breed back their numbers so that they are no-longer endangered: examples are the spotted owl, the polar bear, and the white rhino which is almost off the endangered species list.

So the invasion of these species is being combated and curbed, yet when non-Whites invade White habitats, aggressively raping, assaulting and murdering the host Whites, Whites are expected to make way and accept their extinction. Why should we accept this disconnect in logic when it comes to Whites? Non-Whites have no such qualms and practice ethnic cleansing on a regular basis in their native lands, with impunity, yet Whites have their hands tied, are prevented from expelling the invaders, and are barred from even Swedish victim of non-white assault and gang rape complaining by the proliferation of “hate speech” laws. Enough! We are the minority race of the world, and we are an endangered species, faced with imminent extinction.

We cannot allow ourselves to pass into the night of oblivion in this way.

Draw the wagons into a laager: The ratio of Whites to non-Whites simply cannot decrease any further!

Battle of Blood River 1836 – Victorious
The alternative is this...

Brave Dirkie Uys – dies defending his wounded father
Or this...

Massacre of Bloukranz
The majority population within a territory will ultimately determine the nature of that society, regardless of who was there first.
When non-Whites gain numbers in White areas, they prey on Whites.
When Whites are in the minority, we get killed!
What self-respecting species submits voluntarily to extinction?
Even Whites have a right to continue to exist as a species.

"It may already be too late to avoid a future annexation of the Southwest by Mexico orthe evolution of a Mexican-dominated satellite state. This is not to say Mexican people are better or worse than any of God's children. It is to say that millions of ethnically and culturally homogeneous people will seek self-determination in a land they will increasingly feel justified in claiming as their own. Especially when the natural weight of demographic change is accompanied by the soundtrack of radical demagoguery which seeks to legitimize and moralize this phenomenon as a 'reconquista'." - Ronald F Maxwell
