Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Tremble for America!

A Speech by David Duke a few months before 9/11

“Why must we die in the Mideast and elsewhere? Why are Americans being kidnapped, tortured, murdered throughout the world? How long will it be until terrorism comes to our own shores with a vengeance?” …

“Americans will go to endless wars. We will die or be maimed by the thousands. Our economy will be bankrupted; the rest of our freedoms will be taken away in the name of security. America under this nefarious control will behave like third world regimes and kidnap and torture suspects. America will adopt all the brutality that we always despised in the Communists, because the Neocons, actually are at root, Trotskyites not Conservatives. Strange as that might sound, its true.”…

“In the Lavon Affair the Israeli government was caught red-handed in launching terror bombing attacks against American facilities in Egypt. Yet, due to the naked supremacy of Jewish extremists over the American media, most Americans don’t even know Israel has admittedly committed terrorism against us. Is the fact we don’t know not proof of their control over us?”
The following is a speech given by Representative David Duke at a local Rotary Club at the end of his term as the elected Chairman of the Republican Party. It was a few weeks after the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and a few months prior to 9/11. It was shortly before his departure to Europe to teach and work on his PhD. The Rotarians expected a light, toastmasters speech, but they heard something quite different. There was polite applause at the end, but a somber mood because the audience sensed the truth of the speech, and the danger that America faced. One of those present recently sent an email to with the scanned the text of the speech that Duke gave out afterward. He said he kept it during these years and wrote that no speech he ever heard had more impact on him. “Every time I watch the evening news,” he wrote, “I think back at this short speech and realize that we are living it today.” Everything David Duke predicted has come to pass: a major terrorist attack on American shores, new American wars for Israel in the Mideast, new laws restricting American freedom and the bankrupting of America in part from these conflicts. Here is the text of this prophetic and powerful speech. As you read it you will immediately understand why David Duke is so evilly slandered and misrepresented in the press, he speaks with a courage and intellect unequaled by any political figure in modern America.
I Tremble for America!
Mr. Chairman, fellow members of the Rotary. Usually, these meetings are focused on local issues, light issues. My talk today is not. It is focused on a national, indeed an international issue that reaches right down into the heart of our community. It will powerfully affect you and your children.It is not a happy subject and I hope my words don’t interfere with your digestion of our good Louisiana strawberry pie desert. But, as you know, I represented this area, and most of you here voted for me, and the rest should have!But it’s too late; Governor Edwards has already sold the whole damn state!And I have never been one to shrink from controversy. I just finished my term as a Republican Chairman in St. Tammany, and I plan to pursue some academic goals in the near future, so I don’t need to be at all politically correct.And I don’t think you really want me to be! So here goes.I tremble for my country.
Just a few weeks ago, an American US Navy Ship was attacked in Yemeni. Seventeen of our sailors died. I have great anger against the perpetrators of this surprise, dastardly attack and pray they will be brought to justice swiftly.
But, I also must ask the question,” Why?”
Why are Americans becoming so hated?
Why must we die in the Mideast and elsewhere? Why are Americans being kidnapped, tortured, murdered throughout the world? How long will it be until terrorism comes to our own shores with a vengeance?
I will say things today that will shock you. It will take time for you to absorb such amazing information. At first you may not believe it, but the proof is plain to see, beyond even a shadow of doubt.
Okay, I will say it.
Israel and its power over American policy are why we face the terrorist threat against us. Although most Americans have no consciousness of it, Israel has committed terrorist acts against the United States as well as many nations.
And just as Israel has attacked us, it has caused us to be attacked by others.
You don’t believe our quote “ally” Israel has committed terrorism against us?
In the Lavon Affair the Israeli government was caught red-handed in launching terror bombing attacks against American facilities in Egypt. Yet, due to the naked supremacy of Jewish extremists over the American media, most Americans don’t even know Israel has admittedly committed terrorism against us. Is the fact we don’t know not proof of their control over us?
How did our bribed and extorted politicians pay back Israel for their terrorism against America? Certainly not with embargoes and air strikes as we did against Libya. We paid them for their treachery with more gifts of billions of our tax dollars and more weapons with which Israel could strike us again!
And Israel did strike us! Murderously! Ultimately, Israel took our own weapons and attacked us again. With American made guns, bombs and torpedo boats they killed and maimed our sons by the score in the attack against the USS Liberty.
In the murderous, surprise attack on an American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, 34 Americans died, and 174 suffered terrible burns and disfigurement from our own American-made napalm bombs. No less than the Secretary of the State of the United States, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of our Joints Chiefs of Staff have repeatedly stated that the Israeli attack was clearly deliberate.
Yet, the Israeli fifth-columnists were even able to prevent a congressional investigation into the attack and they kept the US money and weapons flowing to this nation that attacked us! The controlled media made sure there was no outrage against this murderous terrorism against our boys on the USS Liberty.
Israeli Spy, Jonathan Pollard, stole vital secrets of American intelligence which Israel then bartered to the Soviets, causing the death of many of our operatives In Eastern Europe and devastating our intelligence operations there. It was even too much for our Jewish Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, who sent a 46 page memorandum to the courts on the damage done by Pollard and Israel against us and demanding nothing less than life sentence for this American traitorous spy for Israel.
Not only has the thoroughly Israeli bribed U.S. Congress, with compliance from a Jewish-dominated media, facilitated this Israeli terror against us, they have supported Israeli terror against the entire Mideast region.
Israel has murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians, occupied and stolen their land, kidnapped and tortured tens of thousands of people in their dungeons, invaded and occupied and terrorized Lebanon for 20 years killing over 20,000 civilians maiming 40,000 children and destroying 120,000 family homes in the process.
The man who leads their nation, Ariel Sharon is a mass murderer that even an Israeli commission found guilty of causing the deaths of 1200 mostly women and children at Sabre and Chatila in Beirut.
These victims of Israeli terrorism know that Israeli terrorism against them would not be possible except for the support of the U.S. Government.
They know that 7 of the 11 members of the highest security body of America, The National Security Council, are what the Israeli newspaper Maariv describes as “warm Jews” (Jews that put Israel above all else). These are the very men supposed to be in charge of providing American security, but a leading Israeli newspaper describes America as “no longer having a government of goyim.” In other words, America no longer has a government truly led by gentile Christians, like 90 percent of our population, but one of Jews!
The Arabs know what Maariv said about your government no longer being gentile but Jewish, but do you?
The Israeli fifth columnists led America to make an enemy of our ally, Saddam Hussein, because he led one of the most powerful nations in opposition to Israel. They led us to an embargo of even food and medicine to Iraq that led directly to the death of one million Iraqis, at least half of them children. It was an act of infanticide. When Diane Sawyer spoke about the deaths of 500,000 children from our embargo, she asked our Jewish U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was the deaths of so many children worth it. On the Sixty-Minutes TV program before the world, our Secretary of State said, “Yes, we think it’s worth it.”
What kind of monster would knowingly cause the agonizing death of 500,000 children?
Don’t they realize that these Jewish extremist acts of mass murder in the name of America can only someday lead to deaths of our own American children?
They led us to the Gulf War which has cost untold billions and caused tens of thousands of American GIs to suffer debilitating health problems with the “Gulf War Syndrome.”
All of this has created incalculable hatred against America. There are millions of the directly affected by these policies and millions more all over the world that don’t suffer from a media controlled by the Zionists. They hate us more and more each day.
Take good, sober look. Terrorism is increasing all around us. Arab terrorists have already been bold enough to attack an American warship in Yemeni and killed many American sailors. They have kidnapped and killed American civilians.
Their hate, born of American subservience for Israel grows with each passing day. They will strike back anyway they think they can! They will kill civilians as they think they have been killed.
The day will come when thousands of Americans will find themselves and their families become victims of this hate, a burning hate that we have let the Jewish extremists engender against us.
With each strike and counter strike, we will fall deeper and deeper into the death cycle of world war. It will not be a war of great armies on the field, but of guerrilla actions and terrorism.
And the extremists who control Israel and the Jewish community will smile while we and many nations will cry for our sons and daughters.
The Lavon Affair was uncovered and prevented seemingly by an act of God. A premature explosion of a Jewish terrorist’s bomb unraveled the plot and saved American lives. Ultimately the exposure of the plot prevented the even greater catastrophe of an unjust war with Egypt that would have caused incalculable harm both to the American people and the thousands of innocent people who would have faced a misguided American wrath.
The Lavon Affair was quashed, but Israel remains a malevolent force for evil in the world. There will be more Israeli treachery, you can be sure.
As long as the Jewish extremists have such inordinate influence in media and government you can be sure Israel will lead us into more wars. Syria, Iran and even Iraq again are now in the cross hairs of the Jewish extremists. More American boys, as in the Marine compound in Beirut, will die for Israel. But, even scarier, terrorism will surely come to American civilians at home and abroad. Our Israeli-controlled policies make it inevitable.
Israel will have its new and bigger Lavon Affair.
Next time Israeli agents won’t have to dress up like Arabs, for they have engendered enough hatred among the Muslim people against America to generate sizable terrorist attacks upon Americans by real Muslims.
When these events happen, Israel will smile.
Americans will go to endless wars. We will die or be maimed by the thousands. Our economy will be bankrupted; the rest of our freedoms will be taken away in the name of security. America under this nefarious control will behave like third world regimes and kidnap and torture suspects. America will adopt all the brutality that we always despised in the Communists, because the Neocons, actually are at root, Trotskyites not Conservatives. Strange as that might sound, its true.
And, it will all be in the name of freedom!
All of it will occur not for America — but for Israel.
In these wars fought against Israel’s enemies, we will fuel a cycle of hate and conflict against America that will create the Jewish Neocons’ wet dream, “World War IV.” But we will be the one’s who will pay for their blood lust.
What price will we ultimately have to pay for Israel?
What terrorism haunts us down the road.
And as it increases, they will say our freedom must be sacrificed for our security.
And as our freedoms are taken away, they will tell us we must give up our freedom to save it!
As we kill hundreds of thousands they will say it is to save lives.
As Americans are killed and maimed by the tens of thousands they will say it is keep Americans from harm.
As war and hatred envelopes civilization, they will say we must wage war because we love peace!
But all of it won’t be for anything other than Israel, and the Jewish supremacism and extremism that drive it.
Are you ready to pay the ultimate price? Ready for your loved ones to pay that price?
I tremble for America.
I tremble for America.
Thank You.

David DukeOutgoing Chairman of the Republican Party Political Executive Committeeand former member of the House of RepresentativesState of Louisiana

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