Tuesday, December 23, 2008

John de Nugent for President

My website johndenugent.com and campaign are about to explode into the public with radio ads at this critical moment in the presidential campaign.

Here is the political program, written for the white masses who are not yet White Nationists.

I have made major revisions to it since the ECONOMY, not race, became the foremost issue in everybody's mind. I am convinced that my plan is the ONLY one that will prevent a total world crash and starvation.

You will notice my outreach to blacks, appealing to their self-interest. We don't need a race war with blacks triggered by the Jews who are stage-managing Obama and may yet murder him to start a race war. We need to cut a deal with the black nationalists for BLACK SELF-RULE and WHITE SELF-RULE, and cooperate against the Asian invasion (of Jews, Chinese, and mestizo Mexicans of Asiatic blood who are taking ALL the blacks' traditional unskilled jobs in construction, factory work, agriculture, janitor services, gardening, domestic help, etc).

Blacks need, not an Obama "integrationist," but a second Marcus Garvey for either "Back-to-Africa" or "Black self-rule" in the USA. (Many would categorically REFUSE to go back to the Dark Continent.) And my goal is to be the WHITE Marcus Garvey, and demand our own white self-rule in WHITE SAFETY ZONES in America.

I am about to run radio ads around the country MONDAY AND TUESDAY -- to prevent martial law by Bush that would ROUND YOU AND ME UP.

Then, I plan a serious run as a candidate on the presidential ballot for president in 2012, based on a grass-roots political organization and an identifiable WHITE TRIBE, the "whites who stick together and are-not-DOOMED."

So go to my website http://www.johndenugent.com/ and check out all that is new, powerful, controversial, unique and hard-hitting -- and will grab the headlines. My Obama ads are already running on BLACK STATIONS.

Find the rest of this article by John de Nugent and his political programm here or visit his website.

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